
Your financial support is highly appreciated.

Our commitment to Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage, and our unwavering support for the State of Israel, complicates our fundraising efforts on a highly secularized European continent that denies its spiritual roots and increasingly questions Israel’s right to exist.

Transfer funds into our bank account @ ING

Donors preferably transfer (or wire) funds into our bank account at ING in The Netherlands. As a description you may use “donation.”

These are our account details:

Account name: ICWV

Address: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Account number: NL90INGB0000340034


IBAN: NL90INGB0000340034

* New European regulations make it virtually impossible for a Dutch identity to cash a check issued outside of the European Union. Please refrain from sending us your donation by check. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tax Deductible Donations

ICWV is a non-profit organization (“stichting“) under Dutch law, based in Amsterdam. Please consult your accountant on to what extent you’ll be able to tax deduct your contribution to ICWV.

In The Netherlands ICWV has been granted ANBI-status. Therefore donations to ICWV are now often tax deductible under the Dutch tax code. Some restrictions do apply. Ask your accountant or check online with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. This ANBI-status is more or less the Dutch equivalent of being a 501 (c) 3 organization in the US.

To verify our ANBI-status, please click here.

ICWV is active in Europe, in Israel and on a limited scale even globally. But unfortunately the benefits that come with the ANBI-status only apply to taxes paid under the Dutch tax code.

More info on ICWV, its legal status, activities, and Mission Statement, can be accessed at the About page.