
ICWV is an NGO that promotes tolerance and respect for Judeo-Christian Western norms and values. Because the cradle of this system of norms and values ​​is in Israel, we are active in the Western world (mainly Europe, UK and North America) as well as in Israel and on the West Bank.

ICWV aims, among other things, to influence public opinion by organizing debates, giving courses and creating books.

We also promote research into Western cultural heritage and history.

To this end, we offer scientists access to our extensive library and archives. Our collection (partly on loan from third parties for an indefinite period) consists of more than 18,000 books, thousands of magazines, more than 1,000 records (including unique 78 rpm shellacs of Yiddish songs and comedy) and other historical documentation. Topics well covered include Yiddish literature and music, Zionism, the history of Israel, biblical archaeology, the Eichmann Trial, and related themes.

We cherish collaboration with a large number of like-minded partners, such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Organizing Talks And Courses, Creating Books, Maintaining A Multi-Media Archive & More

hans debat balie
  • We are fighting the new wave of antisemitism in Europe and elsewhere.
  • We try to correct misconceptions regarding the history of Israel and the conflict between Arabs (Palestinians) and Israelis. Our efforts are ultimately aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence among all groups living in the region. The peaceful coexistence of Jews and Arabs in the region does not, in our opinion, imply that one group will permanently dominate the other, but is ideally based on mutual respect and independence, with each citizen living in a society in which he/she can fully develop his/her identity, while none of the political leaders are threatening the lives of citizens in neighboring areas.
  • We foster the research in all aspects of Jewish and Arab heritage and history, with special emphasis on the (in our view) often underappreciated importance of Yiddish culture.
  • We expose those who demonize Jews and the Jewish state.

Our Broader Aims

International Center for Western Values is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to:

  • Studying, exposing, and fighting antidemocratic tendencies and ideologies in Europe and elsewhere.
  • Improving the public debate about Israel by presenting facts and correcting misinformation.
  • Fighting antisemitism and the defamation of the Jewish people and the Jewish state in Europe and elsewhere.

ICWV is primarily concerned with developments within Western societies, and focuses primarily on antidemocratic and anti-Israeli tendencies in Europe and in the US.

Our partners, correspondents, and collaborators are based all over Europe, in the US, and in Israel.

The books we initiate and co-create are distributed globally. Therefore these publications play their role in the debate on both sides of the Atlantic. When it comes to organizing conferences, oral presentations, and lectures, our operations are confined to mainland Europe, the UK and Israel.

ICWV Headquarters is situated in the heart of continental Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ICWV is fully recognized by the Israeli government as a non-profit.

Read the full text of our Mission Statement.


ICWV is a non-profit organization (“stichting”) under Dutch law.

Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce: 56660995

Full name: “International Center for Western Values Stichting”

Chairman: René van Praag rene@icwv.org